ELT co
Modification of the ELT co Approval 2019
ELT co Renewal Approval 2019
ELT co Approval 2011
Role – Objectives
The role of the ELT co is to nationally organise the collection of waste tires from their disposal points (tire and vehicle repair shops) and then to arrange for their transport and delivery to licensed recovery units, assuming all the management costs (collection, transport and utilisation of end-of-life tires).
The funds necessary for this procedure are generated by the environmental fee that the importing companies, by law, are obliged to pay the system (JMD ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΔ Α/36464/547 (Government Gazette Β 2217/6.4.2023) (art. 4, 8).
Ecoelastika S.A., assuming the supervision for the management of end-of-life tires, contributes to their utilisation, acting on the guiding principle of environmental benefit.
Responsibilities of Involved Parties
In accordance with legislation, the responsibilities of importers (“producers” according to the definitions of the Law), traders, merchants and final users – owners of vehicle tires are as follows:
- Importers are obliged to participate in an approved collective organization for end-of-life tires (ELTs) or to organize an Individual Alternative Management System. The only approved ELT co is Ecoelastika. The participation in system accompanied by the payment of an environmental fee for the tires released to the Greek market.
- Tire traders and final tire sellers are obliged to trade tires, the importers of which participate in Ecoelastika and pay environmental fees for them.
- Tire repair shops, where the replacement of used tires in vehicles takes place, are obliged to sign contracts with Ecoelastika and deliver the ELts to Ecoelastika.
- Owners, or end users of ELTs are obliged to deliver them to an approved ELT co or to a legitimate collector.